Building communities requires investments large and small. So when the SIMOS team in Pennsylvania learned about the annual Leprechaun Loop and Ryan’s Run races that benefit a local health system, they jumped at the chance to help.
“I reached out to one of our community partners who was on the board for the Leprechaun Loop and asked how we could help with this annual event,” said SIMOS Recruiter Leslie Starna-Widdick.
So on March 5, the SIMOS team helped paint the town of Pittston, Pa. green (and black and red with SIMOS information). They volunteered with the annual Leprechaun Loop 1k and Ryan’s Run 5k runs that raise awareness and funds for children and adults with disabilities who are patients of Allied Services.
“We decided what goes best with a race is water,” she said. “So we brought several cases of water with our SIMOS sticker logo on each one to the race. On the day of the Leprechaun Loop, we handed out hundreds of bottles of water.”
Being part of a community event that raised both awareness and money to help a local health system is another example of being a Force for Good in our communities. And all it took was one phone call.
“It was so rewarding to see the energy and enthusiasm everyone showed, from the runners to the organizers to the community members there to support everyone,” Starna-Widdick said. “We were honored to be a part of this amazing event and look forward to doing it year after year.”