Is your organization struggling with a volatile market and unexpected peaks? If so, you’re not the only one. A performance model could help create predictability in uncertain times, unlike traditional staffing models.
A performance model manages staff based on the number of units your organization is handling, such as returns or shipped packages, while a traditional model generally manages based upon headcount. It can help provide stability and budget certainty instead of cost guarantees for your operation.
Learn more about how a performance model can help during times of uncertainty.
What is a performance model?
As businesses are struggling with production challenges and need to do more with less,a performance model can help you increase productivity, lower costs, and improve worker retention.
That’s a triple-win for your business. Our custom solutions are built on driving performance—so you only pay for the work completed, period—and can flex to help you meet changing demands.
How can a performance model help during unpredictable times?
Guaranteed output and cost
The key benefits of a performance model during high peak times or market volatility are cost and output guarantees.
Regardless of circumstance, a performance model, like SIMOS, charges based on output and not headcount. This means that despite headcount swings, variance in production levels or market changes, your cost does not fluctuate. Your performance partner takes on the responsibility and accountability of onboarding, training, managing, and meeting your KPIs and relieves the burden of increased costs during unstable times.
On average, SIMOS clients see an increased output of 10-25% while their costs are reduced by up to 20%. At SIMOS, we work to create predictability during uncertain times.
Reduce turnover
During unexpected peaks, high turnover becomes a huge risk. Due to quick turnaround times, the chances of overworked employees and more demands increases. Couple that with a large amount of employee choices and competitive wages and you have the recipe for a high turnover rate. You may be able to quickly fill positions again, but it takes time to fill and train for those new positions, reducing your productivity at a critical time and increases cost.
With a performance model, your staffing partner takes on the responsibility of finding and training new staff to be efficient and your cost does not change. New associates will get up to speed faster without any risk to you of money lost.